Business partner

We offer business partnerships throughout Europe

I would like to start trading as an independent entrepreneur in order to realize my dreams and achieve my goals. I will proceed step by step until I establish my business. However, I cannot start for the following reasons: &nbsp>

  1. I don't have enough capital.
  2. My knowledge and experience in this regard is still insufficient.
  3. There are critical external factors and risks that could jeopardize my business.
  4. The competition is increasingly high.
  5. Various expenses such as personnel, storage or insurance costs are too high and unreasonable.

Bir offer you a business partnership and trading opportunity where all these concerns dissolve. Please click here for more information.

What does a business partnership at Gewofit in cooperation with Tiens mean?

  • The business partnership is based on a cooperative sales system between the existing company Tiens and one or more business partners
  • The respective business partner is an independent entrepreneur who is entitled to use the Tiens brand or company name with the associated design and the existing know-how of Tiens. In this way, the new business partner falls back on a tried and tested business concept, as it were, as well as a continuously developed and standardized business idea for distribution and sales purposes - of course free of charge, free of charge and without obligation. This means that the business partner adopts a business model that already works when they set up their own business.
  • As a business partner, you open your own business based on the business concept created by Tiens. You operate independently as a legally independent entrepreneur.

Advantages of a business partnership

  • Cooperation with a globally active and well-known company that has now also opened up its trade on the European market and would like to expand it.
  • Trading opportunity without using shares or capital
  • Entrepreneurial activity without dealer risk
  • Straightforward accounting and financing hassle
  • Shopping discounts for products from 20% up to 80%
  • Profit from product sales of up to 200%
  • Global sales opportunity in over 100 countries
  • Acquisition and support of VIP customers
  • Receipt of free support services related to questions such as marketing, organization, further training, accounting, document provision, etc.